Received: 14.05.2023/ Accepted: 23.11.2023/ Published online: 29.12.2023
УДК 614.2:616.314-083
DOI 10.53511/PHARMKAZ.2024.14.99.022

¹ Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Department of Clinical Specialties of the Higher School of Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine and Health, Almaty, Kazakhstan
² Kazakhstan Medical University “Higher School of Public Health”, Department of Public Health and Social Sciences,
Almaty, Kazakhstan
³ S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Resume. Summarizing the analysis of literature data and our own data regarding the causes and development
of high-risk dental caries in children, it is advisable to emphasize the need for a holistic, systematic approach
to the concept of “health”, which does not single out the state of the oral cavity as a separate characteristic.
In particular, in the characterization of dental health, as a practical recommendation, consider the level of
assessment of the somatic health of the subject as the main marker.
Key words: dental checkup, dental caries, dental status, gingivitis, periodontitis, anomalies of the oral
mucosa, non-carious lesions of the teeth, dentoalveolar anomalies.

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