Received: 23.11.2023 Accepted: 09.02.2024 Published online: 29.02.2024
УДК 616-079.1
DOI 10.53511/PHARMKAZ.2024.31.14.017
Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University Department of General Medical Practice No. 1. Almaty, Kazakhstan
Background: Frailty syndrome is a pathological, reversible aging process where frailty and comorbidity have
a bidirectional relationship. It is characterized by having three of more of the following components: weight
loss, exhaustion, slowness, low activity level, and weakness.
Methods: We searched PubMed from January 1, 2018 to November 1, 2023. The dates of publication,
language of publication, methodological characteristics and the key findings were analyzed separately.
Results: We found 550 unfinished studies on the use of diagnostic methods for the Frailty syndrome. Only
26 suitable articles were found. 19 randomised controlled trials, 2 cohort study, 2 cross-sectional study, 1
case study,1 longitudinal study, 1 report.
Conclusion: We conducted this evaluation review in order to identify clinical examples of the use of diagnostic
methods of fragility syndrome in the period from 2018 to 2023. Only 26 suitable articles were found. This
suggests that this topic has been little studied. There is not enough evidence. It is necessary to conduct
more original research on this topic.
Keywords: Frailty syndrome, frailty, aging, elderly, diagnostic, tools, scales, Scoping review
Ethics and dissemination The studied evidence is in the public domain, therefore, no specific ethics approval
is required.
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