Получена: 13/06/2023/ Принята: 25/09/2023 / Опубликована online: 30/10/2023
УДК: 614.253.52+616-053.9
DOI 10.53511/PHARMKAZ.2023.54.81.038
Asfendiyarov Kazakh National medical university, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Resume: Currently, the country is actively undergoing health care reform, its modernization. Nursing is the
most important component of the healthcare system, which has significant human resources and real potential
opportunities for reforms in market conditions. Trends in the development of nursing significantly strengthen the
role of the nurse in the modern healthcare system. Initially, the nurse belonged to the average medical staff,
was considered a doctor’s assistant and provided nursing care as prescribed by a doctor. Currently, modern
theories of nursing, based on a scientific approach and evidence-based practices, represent a nurse as an
equal partner of a doctor who makes independent nursing decisions, plans and carries out evidence-based
nursing care, reflecting it in nursing documentation. Now the partnership of a doctor and a nurse is that a
doctor provides medical care to a patient, and a nurse provides nursing care, working within a multiprofessional
team of healthcare professionals to improve the effectiveness of the quality of medical care at all levels of the
healthcare system.
Keywords: patient, health, quality of life, medical care, mental health, nursing care, public health, aging, age.

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