Received: 04.01.2024/ Accepted: 15.03.2024/Published online: 29.04.2024
UDC: 615.453.2:616-001.17
DOI: 10.53511/pharmkaz.2024.72.31.041
1al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Resume: Every day around the world, children and adults suffer from burn injuries. Burn injury is one of the global health
problems due to its high prevalence and mortality. The skin is the largest multifunctional human organ. The area of the entire
skin is on average 1.7-1.9 square meters. The skin has a wide variety of functions from protective to energy-saving and tactile.
Burns have a long history, but new methods of study are needed, this is due to the increase in the frequency of burns in
everyday life, production, as well as the complexity of the pathogenesis and treatment of burn disease. Pathological changes
that occur in the body of burned animals lead to the fact that in the first hours with extensive burn injury, circulatory
disorders occur in parenchymal organs, especially in the liver, lungs and adrenal glands. In the future, with severe
intoxication, severe dystrophic processes occur in the muscles of the heart and other internal organs. Recently, the main
areas of research into the pathogenesis of inflammation have become immunological, at the morphological level it has not
been sufficiently studied. The article shows the morphological features of the study in thermal burns of the skin of rats during
treatment with a different mechanism of action. Rats in the amount of 15 pieces were divided into 3 groups: the first control
group with a burn without treatment, the second group with a thermal burn, to which levomekol gel was applied to the burn
area, the third group was treated with powder from the medicinal plant yarrow Achillea millefolium L. On the 3rd, 7th, 14th,
and 21st days, the rats were taken out of the experiment, after which the skin pieces were fixed in 10% formalin for further
histological examination.
Keywords: common yarrow Achillea millefolium L., thermal burn, levomecol gel, histology.
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