Received: 19/08/2023/ Accepted: 27/09/2023 / Published online: October 30, 2023
UDC 76.31.33
DOI 10.53511/PHARMKAZ.2023.62.80.050

1 Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
* Corresponding author – A.A. Manassova, akhmetche@gmail.com, Department of Biotechnology and General Chemical
Technology, Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Kazakhstan, Almaty 050012, 94 Tole bi Street


Resume: This article presents an overview of the use in folk medicine of yarrow (Achillea L.) genus plants. The
purpose of the review is to systematize and summarize the existing scientific data on the ethnopharmaceutical
use and distribution of yarrow species.
Yarrow is a genus of herbaceous plants known for its medicinal properties and wide use in folk and contemporary
medicine. The genus Achillea, one of the most famous genera of this Asteraceae family, has about 150 species
growing throughout the northern hemisphere, 14 species of which are found on the territory of Kazakhstan.
The data being reviewed show a wide range of uses for Achillea plants ranging from central nervous system
diseases to gastrointestinal disorders. It is noted that only three Kazakh species of yarrow are known to be
used in folk medicine: A. filipendulina, A. millefolium, A. nobilis. At the same time, only A. filipendulina has found
application in local folk practice as a remedy for gastrointestinal diseases and as an abortive agent. According
to this observation, it was accepted that the species of A. filipendulina is of significant scientific and practical
interest as an object of research.
Keywords: Achillea, Achillea filipendulina, traditional medicine, biological activity, review.

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