Received: 25.12.2023/Accepted: 08.04.2024/Published online: 29.04.2024
УДК 616-053.2-248
DOI: 10.53511/pharmkaz.2024.17.61.018

1 Kazakh Medical University «Higher School of Public Health», Almaty, Kazakhstan
2 «Allergomed» Medical Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan
3 «Higher Medical College», Almaty, Kazakhstan
4 Perinatology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan
5 Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Diseases, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Resume: This paper provides a brief overview of the current state of diagnosis and treatment of bronchial asthma among the
pediatric population, given the increasing incidence worldwide.
Materials and methods: Wiley, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus databases and health compilations of the Republic of
Kazakhstan over a five-year period (2018-2023) were used for this review.
Currently, the WHO European Region is facing a significant threat from the growing incidence of preventable noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), among which chronic respiratory diseases are highlighted. These diseases not only reduce
the quality of life of individuals but also cause substantial economic damage to families, communities, and countries as a
whole, which underscores the relevance of our chosen topic. According to expert estimates, there are more than 350 million
people worldwide with bronchial asthma, with about 5-10% of cases being among the pediatric population. In Kazakhstan,
there is a steady trend of increasing incidence worldwide.
Keywords: Bronchial asthma, chronic non-communicable diseases, disease management program, GINA, modern treatment
methods, children.

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