Auto Cartilaginous Tympanoplasty for Tympanic Membrane Defects in Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology: Clinical Outcomes and Hearing Improvement

Received: 10.02.2024/Accepted: 28.04.2024/Published online: 29.04.2024
УДК 616.218(053.2)
DOI: 10.53511/pharmkaz.2024.71.87.022

A.Z. Bekpan1, D.K.Autalipov1, O.Tolegen2, Z.S.Tobylbayeva3
1 Clinical Academic Department of Pediatric Surgery, «Head & Neck» Program, Corporate Fund «University Medical Center»,
Astana, Kazakhstan
2Clinical Academic Department of Pediatric Surgery, Corporate Fund «University Medical Center», Astana, Kazakhstan
3“Pediatric Anesthesiology and Intensive care Unit”, Corporate Fund “University Medical Center”, Astana Kazakhstan

Auto Cartilaginous Tympanoplasty for Tympanic Membrane Defects in Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology:
Clinical Outcomes and Hearing Improvement
Introduction: Chronic otitis media with persistent tympanic membrane perforation remains a challenging issue in pediatric
Objective: To examine the outcomes of autocartilaginous tympanoplasty in children with total and subtotal tympanic
membrane defects.
Methods and materials: Eighteen patients (age range: 3-15 years) underwent surgical treatment using the retroauricular
approach. A cartilage graft harvested from the tragus and temporal fascia was utilized for tympanic membrane
Results: Postoperative evaluations revealed successful restoration of tympanic membrane integrity in 88.8% of cases and
hearing improvement in 94.4% of cases in the long-term follow-up. Auto Cartilaginous tympanoplasty demonstrates promise
for enhancing the efficacy of tympanoplasty in pediatric otorhinolaryngology.
Keywords: Auto Cartilaginous tympanoplasty, Pediatric otology, Tympanic membrane defects, Hearing rehabilitation,
Tympanoplasty outcomes.

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