Received: 23.03.2024 Accepted: 11.06.2024Published online: 29.06.2024
UDC 616.127-005.8
DOI: 10.53511/pharmkaz.2024.48.10.036
A. Kadyrbai, L.N. Ibragimova, M.B. Ibrayeva, T.S. Bekezhanova,
R.V. Kuzmina, V.V. Kuzmina, A.A. Bakytkhanova, A.A. Satur, Z.B. Sakipova
Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Introduction. Currently, parasitic diseases are among the most widespread in the world. Statistical analysis of the recent
years’ epidemic situation among the population of the Eurasian Economic Union countries has demonstrated a dynamic
increase in the incidence of parasitic invasions. This situation indicates the need to analyze the satisfaction of the population
of the Republic of Kazakhstan with antiparasitic medicines and to introduce into domestic production new innovative
pharmaceutical developments of scientists of S.D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU School of Pharmacy, worked out based medicinal
plant raw materials.
Purpose. Analysis of the pharmaceutical market of antiparasitic drugs registered in the territory of Kazakhstan.
Materials and methods. The object of the study is the list of trade names in the State Register of Medicines and Medical
Devices registered in the territory of Kazakhstan, in the “i-teka. kz” database and other pharmacy markets, and the “IQVIA”
Results. Based on the results of the analysis, it was established that the share of antiparasitic drugs in the context of all
registered ones was only 1.49%, with only 10% of domestic production, represented by 5 Kazakh pharmaceutical companies.
Analysis of the studied drugs according to the ATC classification showed that a large subgroup includes antimicrobial drugs
and antiseptics used in gynecology. Among all registered drugs, tablets and suppositories are the most common. The cost of
drugs and their course of treatment varies widely. According to sales analysis, the leader is albendazole, with a sales volume
of 500 thousand packs annually.
Conclusion. Thus, the market of antiparasitic drugs is represented mainly by imported products. Therefore, one of the most
significant tasks of the domestic pharmaceutical industry is to ensure import substitution, which is to develop and create
antiparasitic products based on domestic raw materials.
Keywords: marketing analysis, pharmaceutical market, antiparasitic drugs, Republic of Kazakhstan

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