Received: 24.03.2023 / Accepted: 11.08.2023 / Published online: 31.08.2023
UDC 615.32:582.929
DOI 10.53511/PHARMKAZ.2023.52.38.032
1B.S. Zhumakanova , 1G.T. Zhumashova , 1Z.B. Sakipova , 2A.A. Kessikova, 3R.A. Kalelova

1S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University
2Abbott Kazakhstan LLP
3National Center for Expertise of Medicines and Medical Products


Resume. Macroscopic and microscopic analyses are the main methods of identification of the medicinal
plant materials. Macroscopic analysis consist of the studying the appearance of medicinal plant materials at
low magnification (10x) and determination the size of individual parts, organoleptic indicators, morphological
diagnostic features, and is also used to identify morphological features – specific, special, inherent in the
object under study, distinguishing it from others. Microscopic analysis is based on the study of the anatomical
structure of the medicinal plants and in determining anatomical characteristic diagnostic features of various
organs and tissues by which the object under study can be distinguished from similar parts of another plant.
The object of the study is fresh and dried medicinal plant Thymus Seravschanicus Klokov, collected on the
territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The morphological features of the Thymus Seravschanicus Klokov were determined for the first time. A
comparative analysis of the main morphological features of Thymus Seravschanicus Klokov and two other
thyme species: pharmacopoeial species – Thymus serpilium L. and Thymus marschallianus Willd was conducted
Thymus Seravschanicus Klokov possesses distinctive morphological features of the Lamiaceae family.
Thymus Seravschanicus Klokov is a low shrub with relatively large leaves.
Microscopic analysis of the leaf cross-section revealed that both sides of the leaf surface are covered by
linear unicellular trichomes. All trichomes are almost the equal length, but short ones prevail than other
lengths. Pubescence and thickening of the outer cell membrane belong to xeromorphic features of the leaf
epidermis structure are. The stem has a clearly differentiated quadrangular shape. It consists of a primary
cortex and a central cylinder in its cross-section. The stem is covered with a single layer of epidermis
containing glands with essential oils.
On a cross-section of the rhizomes of Thymus Seravschanicus Klokov, a loose two-layered periderm forming
rows of medium-sized peripheral cells was determined. Polygonal rounded cells are weakly connected and
elongated in the radial direction. There are the cells of the accumulative parenchyma of the primary cerebral
cortex, located in more or less concentric layers below polygonal cells.
The results obtained will be used to develop identification features for quality control purposes.
Key words: Thymus Seravschanicus Klokov, morphological features, anatomical features, identification.

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