Received: 17/08/2023/ Accepted: 27/09/2023 / Published online: October 30, 2023
UDC: 615.011.5:582.998.1
DOI 10.53511/PHARMKAZ.2023.74.60.047
Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Resume: The review article presents the results of the analysis of scientific literature on the geographical
distribution and level of study of the chemical composition of known representatives of the genus Ajania Poljakov.
Out of the 37 known species, only 8 representatives of this plant genus have been studied. The structures of the
encountered biologically active compounds (BAC) are presented, including flavonoids, terpenoids, phytosterols,
lignans, alkaloids, and other nitrogen-containing compounds, organic acids, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, and
phenolic compounds. In quantitative terms, the class of phenolic compounds predominates, among which
terpenoids and flavonoids are dominant, some of which can be considered as chemotaxonomic markers. Within
the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, two species are found: Ajania fastigiata and Ajania fruticulosa, the
latter of which has pharmacopoeial significance.
Keywords: Ajania, Ajania fruticulosa, Ajania fastigiata, chemical composition, chemotaxonomy.
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